First Steps to Media Planning

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Planning a media campaign can be tricky business, mainly because of all the steps that need to be integrated into the process before releasing it into the midst of an environment with seemingly uncontrolled factors. For all the focus groups and pre-launch testing, sometimes investing money in media campaigns can be a very risky venture.
However, well-planned efforts can mitigate some of this risk. A media plan requires setting objectives, developing an implementation strategy, identifying channels for implementation, and finally, evaluation of these strategies.
Each of these four steps can develop into a separate discussion, but for now, we’d like to leave you with the basics to consider when you start out with your own media campaign.
For smaller businesses, employing a media channel with a larger reach may not always be economically feasible. For example, 30-second prime time TV spots typically run into millions of dollars, which may be a lot more money than most organizations have set aside for their entire marketing budget.
To make your decision and spending a little easier, consider the following before investing in a media channel.
1. Reach The Reach of your campaign is the number of people who will be exposed to your message and to your product. Before you make the time and monetary investment, consider which channel will give you the most exposure with the highest cost effectiveness.
2. Frequency How often do you want your customers to see your message? It takes an average of three repetitions before consumers choose to make a purchase or take an action.
3. Impact Does the medium you’ve chosen fully engage your customers? Does it offer an involvement of the senses or prove to be evocative of them? For example, a TV or YouTube ad can offer visual and sensory appeal, but those stimulations can also evoke other senses via engagement. The key is to offer your customers a positive sensory experience.
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