Affecting Social Good with Social Media

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With 750 million people worldwide engaged and plugged into social media platforms, non-profit and social good organizations are beginning to see the sun shine down on them in a bigger way than ever before.


Organizations like the United Nations boast well over 500,000 followers on Twitter with significant engagement numbers to bolster their presence on the SM landscape. Perhaps it is a portal where can all just get along. But what’s driving those numbers is worth delving into.


SM Attractions for the Non-Profit World


1. Accessibility for one. Organizations that need to drive their operations through donations and grants often find themselves strapped for cash and working through shoestring budgets.


With a wide range of SM platforms accessible at a great price – free – their accessibility and affordability is a welcome relief.



2. Empowered Audiences In our traipsing across the world wide web, we found quite a few stellar examples of Social Media Marketing being used to engage non-profit audiences in an empowering way.


Consider the example of a corporate sponsor driving the funding for breast cancer awareness. With every RT of a picture with a breast cancer awareness hash tag, the company donated a dollar to the Susan G. Komen Foundation.


People want to feel good about themselves.


With a low involvement, quick-response call to action like that, there are plenty of audience members who walk away feeling like they’ve contributed to a cause for the greater good.


3. Transparency A maxim that may debunk the “Location, location, location” mantra of marketers. The interactivity of the Internet demands accountability. As does the breakneck speed of information dissemination.


In this climate, any organization willing to leave itself open and transparent builds the foundation for itself for a loyal following. And honestly, who doesn’t love a really good story that defeats all odds, fills a niche and affects positive change?