Content Is Key

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Content is key. That is the die-hard truth – we even have a Pinterest board dedicated to it (check it out here)! When say content we are referring to every and anything that your business puts onto its social medias, blogs, advertisements, etc. Did you know that each social media platform has different words that have a higher engagement level? Well, that is one of the many elements of changing yourself from drab to fab on your business’s social media!


Lesson 1 – Target your audience


Make sure to know who your target audience is. If your business’s demographic is women who garden that are from the age or 35-50 living in the suburbs, then she, likely, will not be interested in the latest about the underground music. If you post content that is irrelevant to what your audience is interested in then that could mean one less follower which means one less potential customer viewing your business on a daily basis. Presently, there is a lot of technology that is dedicated to demographics and it is generally either free or low cost to use. One free option is actually on the mega-media of today – Facebook. If you have a Facebook page then you can view your Facebook demographics at the “Insights” area! The bottom line is to know who your target audience is.


Lesson 2 –  Include a “call to action”


A call to action lets the viewer know exactly what to do for more information. Different call-to-actions include: “click here”, “submit”, “call” or “share”. There are many that you could use, but those are a few examples. A call-to-action helps keep your content simple by directing the viewer step-by-step  through how to attain more information.


Lesson 3 – Keep it simple


Keeping your content simple and easy to read also allows it to be easy to “share”, “retweet” or “repin”! All of these will bring more traffic to your website. So, just how do you create simple content? Well, there are multiple ways which include, but not limited to, keeping your content easy to read with short and concise sentences, a limit to 2-3 eye catching colors that coordinate well and an easy call to action. A trending medium to make easy-to-read content is with an infographic. Brainstorm some topics with your team that your audience would be interested in, choose one and make an infographic on it.


Another reason to keep your content simple is to be sure that it is “snackable”; meaning make sure it can be viewed within moments. We live in an “on-the-go” society, and people expect everything to come to them fast whether it is their food at a restaurant, service at a gas station or the content they view on their phone.


Lesson 4 – Bring it all together


Make sure your content correlates well by having a theme. To make sure this happens you should brainstorm ideas for your social media content, plan when to post, how to post and what to post it on, create your content and then promote it.


With these pointers we hope that you are able to increase engagement and cliental by simply taking a second look at the content that you put on your professional pages.