Digital Décor

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When it comes to holiday time, we decorate pretty much everything there is in existence. We decorate houses, offices, stores, cars, food, trees and streets. You name it and there probably is a decoration for it. So why not decorate your online place of business? In this digital age, people do everything online and it would be smart for brands to do some online decorating for the holiday season.


Every year each and every brand should do something to acknowledge the upcoming holidays with Thanksgiving and Christmas décor on their websites. This gets users in the spirit of holidays, which leads to more engagement with the website. One example of decorating your online hub would be to decorate the logo with holiday décor. It gives the logo some holiday spirit. Another one would be to use some Christmas lights along the top of the website or along the menu. All these allow their users to connect with the brand.


Here are some examples Google has done over the years.


Another reason to decorate your website for the holidays is that it is a way for the website to connect with the users and also to be current and up-to-date. It’s refreshing to see that a website is actually being updated! Websites that don’t take advantage of holiday decorating tend to feel outdated and make users feel out of touch. Simple animations (a Christmas tree, Thanksgiving turkey, ornaments or snow) bring joy to the audience and gets them more engaged with the website.


As we all know, more engagement leads to more consumers, which ultimately leads to more sales. Making the emotional connection to the user can be difference in making a sale and there isn’t a better opportunity to do this than the holidays. The customers who interact with your brand will become more engaged because of the holiday décor and based upon the experience they have, the consumer may become loyal and always think of your brand first.