A few months ago, we wrote a blog post related digital marketing trends and developing interactive ads. In a short space of time, interactive advertising has become the latest arena for advertisers to step on to.
Lately, interactive ads have come much further along than simple “Likes” on Facebook. “Appvertising” – a term coined loosely for advertising geared for mobile devices – is beginning to take flight. Reason being the opportunity to develop rich, multimedia content that is informative and engaging at the same time.
After all, who doesn’t love an entertaining ad with great images and a catchy tune? However, considering the time and money investments required to produce one of these, understanding how to build one might be a good idea.
As with all advertising, knowing your audience and purpose before you begin is a necessity. With interactive advertising, the keyword is always “interactive.”
Take, for instance, the TRON Legacy interactive ad made for the iPad.
This ad has more than the very evident “cool” factor working in its favor. For one, it leaves the user in control. Start and stop times notwithstanding, the ad features compelling video with an option to skip out at any time. More importantly, the ad plays the role of a mini-website with interactive options. With a picture gallery, a music library, multiple trailers and user options to control the experience, the TRON ad really does have it all. Also noteworthy is what the ad doesn’t have; namely, an endless barrage of text.
To recap with a quick checklist for your next interactive ad:
– Hand over the control to the user.
– Combine media. Make “multimedia” work for you in the best way possible.
– Keep text to a bare minimum.
– Design for the medium. While clean lines and sparse design may work for print ads, it’s the details that matter in their interactive counterparts.