Making Google AdWords Work For You

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Google AdWords are the sponsored links that appear alongside your search results in Google and sometimes on web content as well. The process involves specifying targeted pay-per-click keywords, which can become quite an effective (and cost-effective) way to advertise online.


Touted as possibly the “most successful business idea in history”  AdWords requires a combination of business acumen, patience and a heavy investment of man hours. Safe to say that before you begin, you should know what you’re getting into.


Tweak Your Keywords. Constantly. Once you begin advertising with AdWords, you’ll have to spend time everyday, studying and tweaking your keywords to maximize your click-throughs, conversions and profits. Timothy Thomas, a small-business consultant, recommends spending at least 15 minutes a day to fine tune your keywords. Specificity is the key. Search terms that are too broad or lead away from your website and business are, needless to say, harmful. Your ads will be the first opportunity for you to develop a relationship with your clients – ranking high in an irrelevant search is a good way to lose potential long-term relationships.


Search Engine Optimization Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and AdWords are closely related to each other. In fact, your SEO efforts will need to work in tandem with your AdWords campaign for the most lucrative results. The only caveat: include your SEO keywords with AdWords, but don’t pay for words that already have you ranking high.


Creative Content At The REFUGE Group, we just can’t emphasize the value of fresh, creative content enough. At the end of day, creative marketing tactics, a well planned strategy and a stellar campaign are built on the foundation of excellent service and good website content.


You can bring the people in, but if there’s nothing there to see, they’re not going to stay around for too long.