Making QR Codes Work

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You saw our last Facebook post. QR Codes are mushrooming out of the woodwork and it seems like every marketer in the interactive media field has jumped on the bandwagon.

QR Codes are still relatively new on the American marketing landscape however, which means that we’re still seeing organizations make costly mistakes in the way they implement their strategies.

Read on to find out what parts of your strategy to tweak to see the results you want.

Test your Code! Perhaps the biggest mistake that marketers can make is not taking the time to test their QR codes. Imagine spending thousands of dollars on print ads featuring your QR code; or even more money spent on designing a campaign around a QR code.

Now imagine your customers being led to a desktop website, or even worse, a broken link. The immediate impact of this scenario is multifold; from the customer end, you lose patience and trust. From the business end, you lose a lot of money and your ROI is negatively impacted.

Test your code. The process is as simple as using your own phone to make sure the code works.

Place Codes in areas with ubiquitous Internet access It makes sense if you think about it. People who take the time to scan QR codes on their smart phones are not going to wait until much later when they’re around a working data signal. Location matters.

Provide actual value for your customers – in other words, make the scan worth their time. If your QR code leads to a standard desktop website or a wallpaper download, then you’re not going to get sustained customer engagement. Instead, have your QR code lead to any one of the following:


–    Engaging video content
–    Free downloads
–    Special offers or coupons

The key is to offer enough opportunity for engagement that leaves the door open for a viral campaign to begin of its own accord. How have you used QR Codes in your campaigns recently?