Marketing Within the New Facebook

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Within the past two weeks, Facebook has seen a flurry of rapid changes to its layout and the way people interact. Many people have complained about them, others have been more receptive, but the bottom line is that change is here to stay.



Philosophers and tech gurus would argue that it has always been around, but really, we’re just going to have to adapt to the way Social Media and Marketing are changing within the new parameters.


A few weeks ago, we mentioned a paradigm shift in the way corporations are changing their marketing efforts, regardless of B2B or B2C communications. The good news is the new changes don’t come with a steep learning curve.


The better news is that regardless of changes, the need for good quality content – excellent writing skills, great visuals and clear sound-bytes – doesn’t ever go away.


Social Media isn’t just media – it’s also extremely social. Which means that the way people behave online is very much like the way they behave in their social circles.



Human Touch Since we’re interacting with people in a technology-heavy setting, we need to keep reminding them about how human we are and build connections by showing our “real” selves. Eating a spectacular dinner? Post a picture.  On a vacation by the beach? Been skydiving or bungee jumping lately? Bring that over online. The little bit of an effort will make you more real and human than a distant administrator or executive.


Engage with People Leave a strong call to action by asking your audience for their opinions, asking open-ended questions (Why? How? What do you think of?) or posting genuine polls for them to interact with.


Mix it Up Use your Facebook page for more than company-related announcements. The space is a valuable opportunity to source new content and highlight your own. You can also use links from your blogs to drive-back traffic from your Facebook posts.


Design Promotions Around Your Fan Base Give people what they need from your organization. Sounds simple enough, but it’s very easy to get mixed up in the details. For instance, unless you’re endorsing a trade partner, a $5 discount towards a massage from an ice-cream company may not bode too well for your fan base.


Be Patient A successful Social Media campaign requires time and space to evolve a consistent and wide reach, despite the rapid changes streaming through the pipelines.