Non-Traditional Marketing

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So, we’re all in a field where the jargon of the landscape is littered with phrases like “thinking outside the box” and “being different”. With marketers scurrying around trying to find faster, snazzier and more exciting ways to sell the latest gimmick, some of the best ways to connect with an audience get left by the wayside.  Lately though, we’ve been of the opinion that if people are brought together with a greater sense of affability, the profits follow along.
A Pen for Your Thoughts?
Of course that requires a little creative thinking on everyone’s part, and perhaps even a return to the basics. Really, when was the last time you wrote a letter or sent a card to thank your client or vendor base?
Effective non-traditional marketing can be as simple as picking up the phone to say hello and see if things are going well with your clients.  But since we’re extolling the virtues of creativity, perhaps we can move past a phone call or a hand-written card and throw a little character and personality into it.
Take, for instance, this photo-blog of very creative direct-mail pieces sent out by a number of vendors. We tried to pick a favorite but a quick gander at the post reveals how hard that really is!
Go Guerilla
Guerilla marketing can have a negative connotation attached to it for obvious reasons, but the concept is more about surprising people with a strong message in unexpected places than it is about attacking them with a product. Have you ever thought about orchestrating a flash mob? Flash mobs are nothing if not memorable, and if you’re looking to make an impact, they’re the place to begin.
Too risqué? Put your creative minds to work to come up with billboard ads, or better yet, make the medium the message.
And while you’re at it, let us know how far you’ve taken your non-traditional marketing strategies. We love a good conversation around these parts!