Self-branding and How It Effects Your Future

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Did you know that you self-brand yourself every day? In today’s world it’s becoming even more important to be aware of yourself and how you affect your business. Self-branding is the correlation between you and your brand or business. Remember that in consumers’ eyes your self-impression is how they perceive you. Here are a few tips to help your self-brand!




If you don’t know yourself how do you expect to build a successful business? Your personal foundation is the foundation of your business. Successful businesses aren’t started based off of things that you do not believe in. You must set goals for your future, your interests, your beliefs, your strengths as well as your weaknesses. All of these attributes will help you make your personal mission statement and development plan of how you are going to attain your goals for the future.




Once you know yourself and your purpose you need to seize opportunities. What is the one thing that holds an infinite amount of information at our fingertips? THE INTERNET! After all, it dies hold an infinite amount of opportunities for you. Let’s start with social medias. There are many ways to connect with your desired audience, for example there are blogs, websites, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, email and Pinterest. Networking via Internet is important in today’s world because businesses reach out online to consumers and fellow businesses. So, open that MacBook and begin connecting!




Don’t underestimate the power of communication; at the end of the day you are working on your self-brand for a reason. When someone asks you how your day is don’t be afraid to actually tell him or her what has been going on in your life. While we do want to share our new successes, be sure not to cross the line of personal and professional line. Showing you can contribute to a conversation adds value to the surface of your self brand.  Don’t’ forget to hand out your business card at the end of the conversation!


Networking is a powerful tool for successful branding. You are able to make more connections by becoming interested in other people than trying to get other people interested in you. You must listen and interact with new people in order to expand your brand while adding value, and knowing the right people can take you and your business places that you may not be able to reach otherwise. You are not only trying to collect contacts when you network, but are instead planting relations and building trust with those relations. There are many places you can go to network; some examples include industry mixers, professional associations, or professional social media services. You should be active in as many networking opportunities as possible because people can’t build those relationships with you if they don’t know who you are.


Rekindling old ties may be intimidating sometimes, but it’s worth it! If you have a few friends that you haven’t contacted since your college graduation then today is the day to invite them on a coffee date to catch up. Who knows, they may have picked up a few contacts and networks in the last few years that are worth you getting to know.


We hope that these few tips helped you take a look at the small things. After all, in business it is important to have a consistent foundation to build your work on.