Spring Has Come, and So Will the Fruit of Your Social Media Labors

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If you are feeling skeptical that your social media efforts are having any effect, a recent post by Stephanie Chandler for Forbes.com assures you that they certainly are.  While building momentum with social media is not an overnight proposition, Chandler highlights the hidden impact social media campaigns have for businesses.


As a supplement to Chandler’s article, the following (based on the article) is a poem of encouragement for those social media marketers wondering when they will see the fruits of their labors.


Spring Has Come, and So will the Fruit of Your Social Media Labors


Let people know your name and tell them what it is you do

“Sit Down” a while and ask them what they like and DON’T LIKE too

Say “Howdy” to them often, or at least give them a smile

Invite them over to your place so they can see your style


If you see they have a problem,
Do your best to lend a hand

Share your knowledge with them as often as you can


Now, many won’t respond to you,

But they’ll know that you’re there

And someday they’ll surprise you when they open up and share


Your progress may be hidden, Your forward steps concealed

No clock will tell exactly when such things might be revealed


It can be slow to breakthrough,

Yet you are on the right track

Soon your big wins will come and then

You won’t stop to look back.


What advice do you have for a marketer struggling with the slow results of a social media campaign?  Share your thoughts in a comment below.