To Pin or Not to Pin?

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Nowadays it seems like everyone and their dog is on Pinterest, but should some companies have a Pinterest account? Digett’s Amy Peveto breaks down some of the decision points you should think about before your company jumps on the pinning band wagon. Here are some of the questions Peveto raises:


  • Does it fit what your business does?
    • Can you find pins that represent what your company does/offers?
  • Do you have the time to make sure your account stays up to date?

If you answered yes to these questions and the others that Peveto proposes, then you should look into getting an account because Pinterest will open the door for new opportunities. With an audience the size of 11.7 million and counting, you are opening the door to a whole new world of potential customers. Pinterest has also taken web referrals world by storm by beating out Twitter, Bing and Google (referral).

While these achievements seem impressive now, it looks like Pinterest will keep growing and the companies that have accounts will reap the benefits.  If your company has a Pinterest account, tell us how it’s doing!