Ways To Improve Marketing Online

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Getting involved with your customers online, the same way you would as if they were in your store, is a great way to improve your online marketing strategy. It’s not enough to just post statuses on Facebook or tweet about your company’s new and improve product/service.  Retweet one of your followers on Twitter, acknowledge one of your fans on Facebook when they comment on a photo and following someone back when they follow you is great way to show customer appreciation. Interacting with the consumer is a must for 2014.


Dealing with Negative Feedback


There’s is always a chance that the consumer can say something negative about your company, product or service, so when it does happen you need a plan. Don’t be defensive or aggressive when responding back, try to see the problem from their point of view. Never delete the comment unless it contains profanity, anything that may be obscene or even a threat. Though it’s difficult dealing with unsatisfied customers online just remember to appreciate all feedback as it shows you care about customer feedback. Always respond in a positive, apologetic manner and be thankful for their business and feedback.




You need to be proactive when it comes to your company’s social media accounts. You should check your accounts a minimum of once a day. Try to keep in mind that there is something always happening online and it’s your job to stay informed.


Remember, staying up to date online will not only give your company a better image to the consumer but it will also make you an expert in your field and a competitor in your industry.