Get Personal: Tips for Your Next Email Marketing Campaign

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An email marketing campaign can be a tricky situation. You want to keep you emails up to date and exciting, but you don’t want to drive your customers away with daily or lengthy emails. At The REFUGE Group, we’ve compiled some tips that will make your next campaign a snap!


On the Subject


Remember, the first thing people will see when they receive your email is the subject line. Anna Pitts from PR Daily suggests making your subject line truthful but with a bit of mystery so the customer will want to click on the email. Also keep in mind your subject should be about what you’re going to talk about in your email, not just want you think people will want to open. This guide from Email Experience Council suggests creating a subject line that has around 70 characters because it has been shown that subject lines with 70 or more characters had higher open rates.


To Whom It May Concern


Netline’s corporate blog suggests personalizing your email marketing campaigns for each customer. Even if it is something as simple as putting the person’s name in each email, that small action shows that you’re not just a computer spitting out emails. If it’s too much work to add in names, then follow DreamGrow’s advice and try greetings that are specific to your target market. For example, if you’re letting your customers know about a new dress style, you could use, “Calling all Fashionistas!”


Reader Friendly


Now let’s talk about the content. When creating your email, be brief. You want to get to the point of your email in the first few lines before your customers become disinterested. Also if you have any links to products, make sure you are directly linking to the product’s page. You don’t want to send someone on a wild goose chase that might make them think twice about buying your product.


We hope these tips will help your next email marketing campaign. For more helpful tips, check out this infographic about the best time to send emails. If you have a great tip for email marketing, make sure to leave it in a comment below!

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